Fitness Conferences 2019: Nutrition and Health Care | Nutrition Meetings

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Previous Speakers

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Dr. John Ebnezar

Wholistic Orthopedic Expert India

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Dr. Teddy Rothstein

OJW Protocol USA

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Dr. Sharon Phelan

Institute of Technology Tralee, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland Ireland

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Dr. Kranthi Sitammagari

Methodist University, USA India

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Beatrice N. Kiage-Mokua


America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Chaya P Mishra

MSc Dietetics & Nutritional Sciences India

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Mrs.Sandy Joy Weston

owner of Weston Fitness Philadelphia USA USA

America Nutrition Conferences 2019, Public Health Conferences, Public Health events, HealthCare Conferences, Fitness Conferences, Sports Medicine Conference, Physiotherapy Conferences,  Medical Fitness Meetings USA, America, Canada, Europe

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Evangelista

Physical Education department Nove de Julho University Brazil

Fitness Conference 2019

Healthcare Nutrition 2019

Conference Series LLC Ltd is organizing Healthcare Nutrition Conference in 2019 at New York, USA. We organize Healthcare Meetings in the field related to Nutrition, Fitness Research, Obesity, Diet Management, Clinical Nutrition & Clinical Malnutrition, Pediatric Health care, Cardiac Healthcare, Nutrition &Dietetics, Sports Science & Medicine, Physical Education & Rehabilitation, Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Functional Food,Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Balanced Diet.

Details of Healthcare, Nutrition & Fitness Conference 2019 in USA:

Conference Name Place Date
Healthcare, Nutrition & Fitness Conference 2019 March 18 - 19, 2019 New York, USA

Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a great pleasure and an honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend the "19th International Conference on Healthcare, Nutrition & Fitness Expo" to be held during March 18-19, 2019 at the beautiful city of  New York, USA.

Healthcare Nutrition 2019 event will include expert presentations, keynote talks, plenary lectures, Entrepreneurs Investment meet, B2B Meetings, Scientific networking etc. where you can have an opportunity to display/talk about your research achievements and contradictions in front of World-class experts, budding scientists & delegates who are gathering from reputed universities and organizations across the globe.

New York is a state in the northeastern Joined States, New York city  is the 27th most broad, fourth most crowded and seventh most thickly populated U.S. state. The state has a sea outskirt in the Atlantic Sea with Rhode Island, east of Long Island, notwithstanding a worldwide fringe with the Canadian areas of Quebec toward the north and Ontario toward the west and north. New York is encompassed by New Jersey and Pennsylvania toward the south and Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont toward the east. The territory of New York, with an expected 19.8 million inhabitants in 2015, is regularly alluded to as New York State to recognize it from New York City, the state's most crowded city and its financial center point. New York's gross state item in 2015 was $1.44 trillion. On the off chance that New York State were an autonomous country, it would rank as the twelfth or thirteenth biggest economy on the planet. Be that as it may, in 2013, the multi-state, New York City-focused Metropolitan Measurable Territory created a gross metropolitan item (GMP) of about US$1.4 trillion, while in 2012; the comparing Consolidated Factual Zone produced a GMP of over US$1.55 trillion, both positioning first broadly by a wide edge and behind the Gross domestic product of just twelve countries and eleven countries, individually.


Yours Sincerely,

Scott Johnson

Program Manager

Healthcare Nutrition 2019



Track 01: Current Research in Nutrition and Dietetics

Research in nourishment and Dietetics of the sustenance Conference centers around most recent examines and related investigations in the field of sustenance and nourishment sciences. So as to guarantee both power and decency, it was important to make sub-classes inside the greater part of the other related classifications.Foodborne maladies take a noteworthy toll on wellbeing. A great many individuals fall sick and numerous bite the dust because of eating perilous nourishment. Profoundly worried by this, WHO Member States embraced a determination in 2000 to perceive nourishment wellbeing as a basic general wellbeing capacity.

Sustenance security envelops activities went for guaranteeing that all nourishment is as protected as could be expected under the circumstances. Nourishment wellbeing arrangements and activities need to cover the whole natural pecking order, from generation to utilization.

Food safety encompasses actions aimed at ensuring that all food is as safe as possible. Food safety policies and actions need to cover the entire food chain, from production to consumption.

Track 02: Functional Foods & Nutritional Disorders

Nutritional Disorder Deficiencies

  • Calcium. Osteoporosis. Rickets. Tetany.
  • Iodine deficiency. Goiter.
  • Selenium deficiency. Keshan disease.
  • Iron deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Zinc. Growth retardation.
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Beriberi.
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) Pellagra.
  • Vitamin C. Scurvy.

Track 03: Nutrition and Balanced Diet

An adjusted eating regimen gives the body required nourishment. The requirements for an adjusted eating routine can be met from an arrangement of plant and creature based sustenances. An adhering to a good diet regimen gives the vital vitality and sustenance without causing any dangerous impacts and additional weight pick up from devouring more nourishment than required by the body. Adjusted Diet and dietary nourishment help in lessening the dangers of different interminable issue like weight, heart illnesses, growth, hypertension and diabetes.

Track 04: Importance of Nutrition in Health Care

Undesirable dietary patterns have added to the weight pestilence in the United States: around 33% of U.S. grown-ups (33.8%) are hefty and around 17% (or 12.5 million) of kids and teenagers matured 2—19 years are obese.1 Even for individuals at a sound weight, a horrible eating routine is related to significant wellbeing dangers that can cause ailment and even demise. These incorporate coronary illness, (hypertension), type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain kinds of tumor. By settling on brilliant nourishment decisions, you can help shield yourself from these medical issues.

Track 05: Advanced Knowledge in Clinical Nutrition & Clinical Malnutrition

Clinical sustenance is nourishment of patients in human services. Clinical in this sense alludes to the administration of patients, including outpatients at facilities, as well as and essentially inpatients in healing centers. It fuses essentially the logical fields of nourishment and dietetics. It intends to keep a sound vitality adjust in patients, and in addition giving adequate sums different supplements, for example, protein, vitamins, minerals. Among the courses of organization, the favored methods for sustenance is, if conceivable, oral organization. Choices incorporate enteral organization in nasogastric sustaining and intravenous in parenteral nourishment.

Track 06: Recent Trends in Nutraceutical Research

Recent developments in the field of Nutraceuticals and food science have specific aims at improving the benefits of functional foods.  Food polymers in delivering dietary bio-actives, the Safety and Efficacy of emerging Nutraceuticals in the global market are categorized as sub-tracks.

Track 07: Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals and Functional Food

Utilitarian sustenances are those which have been prepared to help in particular body works alongside giving nourishment. Nutraceuticals have a similar definition yet moreover they are detailed as pharmaceutical medications. The useful sustenance industry is creating at a fast pace because of the expanding familiarity with individuals towards a sound way of life. A client's enthusiasm towards the association amongst nourishment and medications has extended the nutraceuticals showcase. Probiotics and prebiotics supplements

Track 08: Healthcare Nutrition and Management

Social protection Organization, besides suggested as human organizations affiliation, is the affiliation, association or oversight of restorative organizations structures, general success structures, repairing workplaces, whole focus systems or other accommodating work environments. Commitments of these masters unite guaranteeing that individual affiliation run effortlessly, qualified workers are contracted, data is scattered reasonably all through the connection, particular results are come to and assets are utilized productively, among different assorted commitments. There are general Healthcare chiefs and the general population who are thought about controllers. Generalists manage whole work environments, while specialists focus on the relationship of particular working environments like propelling, life accessory, system examination or bookkeeping

Track 09: Public Healthcare and Community Healthcare

General success is "the science and craft of checking disease, dragging out life and pushing human thriving through managed practices and showed decisions of society, affiliations, open and private, get-togethers and people. General Health is interdisciplinary. For instance, the examination of affliction transmission, biostatistics and flourishing associations are for the most part critical. Customary Health, accumulate happiness, direct prosperity; security cash related edges, open arrangement, emotional wellness and word related security are other key subfields. PHC joins all zones that grasp an area in prosperity, for example, access to Health associations, condition and lifestyle. Along these lines, essential helpful organizations and general prosperity measures, taken together, might be considered as the foundations of far-reaching flourishing frameworks.

Track 10: Pediatric Healthcare & Cardiac Healthcare

The key point of studying General pediatrics is to reduce newborn child and infant deaths, control the spread of irresistible sickness, advanced disease free quality of life and help facilitate the problems of children and adolescents. Doctors are also involved with the prevention, early detection, and management of other problems like behavioral difficulties, developmental disorders, genetic disorders, functional problems, social stresses and depression or anxiety disorders. Significant efforts should be made to improve the physical well-being of the children.

Track 11: Healthcare and Patient Safety

Quiet security plays an essential part in the therapeutic field. Each specialist and medical attendant show there greatest endeavors to fulfill quiet. Patient could be a train that accentuates wellbeing in social insurance through the impedance, diminishment, detailing, and examination of therapeutic mistake that dependably brings about unfriendly impacts. The repeat and size of avertable opposing events found out about by patients wasn't standard till the Nineteen Nineties, once different countries gathered stunning amounts of patients hurt and executed by restorative goofs. Seeing that guide botches influence one in each ten patients round the world, the planet Health Organization calls understanding security a torment concern. Point of fact, diligent security has ascended as an unequivocal guide educate maintained by relate degree anyway making intelligent structure. There's an important Trans disciplinary gathering of theoretical and examination composing that lights up the specialty of patient security.

Track 12: Healthcare and Chronic diseases & Prevention

Heftiness is a restorative condition in which wealth muscle to fat proportion has gathered to the extent that it may contrarily influence wellbeing. People are all around thought to be robust when their weight record (BMI), an estimation got by detaching a man's weight by the square of the person's stature, is in excess of 30 kg/m2, with the range 25– 30 kg/m2 portrayed as overweight. Some East Asian countries use cut down characteristics. Weight enhances the likelihood of various maladies and conditions.

Track 13: Current Research on Obesity & Diet Management

Amid the previous 20 years, stoutness among grown-ups has ascended totally in the United States. The most recent information from the National Center for Health Statistics expresses that 33% of populace 20 years old and more settled—in excess of 100 million individuals—are solid. This improvement isn't limited to grown-ups however rather, has in like way influenced young people. Among youth, 18 percent of kids created 6-11 years and 21 percent of young people created 12– 19 years are viewed as fat. These rates of stoutness have basic repercussions for Americans' thriving. Be that as it may, one of the national thriving targets for the year 2020 is to diminish the normality of weight among grown-ups by 10 %, current information demonstrates that the circumstance isn't progressing. Hopkins GIM specialists are taking a gander at overweight the full degree of its trademark history and challenges, and in like manner trying to battle the torment by examining distinctive systems and mediations.

Track 14: Science of Obesity and Diabetes & Weight Management

Heftiness is an unending condition portrayed by a wealth measure of the muscle to fat ratio. Weight list (BMI) is a term routinely used by specialists and examiners to depict and find out a man's body weight, considering one's tallness to decide a man's heftiness or general overweight/underweight condition. Corpulence expands the risk of working up different unending sicknesses including diabetes, hypertension, hoisted cholesterol, heart assault, malignancy, steady liver illness, congestive heart frustration, infection, gallstones. Weight treating incorporates the commix of dietary, physical activity and way of life changes. Two or three Medication supplements are utilized. Anticonvulsants, Antidepressants, and metformin were utilized off-check. Extra to this, collect interventions were more sensible in diminishing weight and updating glycaemic control. Among more arranged grown-ups, amass intercessions are best than one-on-one preparing.

Track 15: Fitness Research & Development

Imagining the tremendous great conditions of physical exercise assorted experts from all round all through the world have been found the better approach in working up the muscle quality, recover from the crisis mishap and so forth. Physical wellness is the body's ability to work capably and effectively. It is a state of being that involves no under five prosperity related and six bent related, physical health parts, every one of which adds to signify individual fulfillment. Physical wellbeing is connected with a man's ability to work sufficiently, acknowledge amusement time, be strong, contradict hypokinetic diseases, and meet emergency conditions.

Track 16: Fitness Homecare & Primary Healthcare

Physical health is a state of prosperity and thriving and, more especially, the ability to perform parts of amusements, occupations and consistently works out. Physical wellbeing is all things considered achieved through authentic sustenance, coordinate searing physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

PHC suggests "Crucial human administrations System" that is depends upon "effectively steady and socially worthy procedures and development, which make general restorative administrations open to all personalities and families in a system. PHC is an approach to manage prosperity past the Alternative human administrations system that spotlights on prosperity esteem making social course of action.

Track 17: Physical Education & Rehabilitation

Physical getting ready likewise suggested in various Commonwealth countries as physical organizing or PT is a helpful course related to the constitution of the human body. It is taken in the midst of essential and discretionary arranging and interfaces with psychomotor learning in a play or change examination setting to drive thriving. In like way, Rehabilitation focused on improving, keeping up or restoring physical quality, knowledge and versatility with widened comes about. Routinely, Rehabilitation develops more basic versatility after infection, harm or medicinal methodology. Patching up can in like way be cleared up as the route toward helping an individual finish the most raised measure of most extreme, self-rule, and individual fulfillment possible. Reproducing does not switch or fix the mischief helped by weight or damage, yet rather restores the individual to perfect prospering, working, and accomplishment. Advancement used as a piece of Physical preparing.

Track 18: Types of Fitness & Benefits

General physical development can diminish circulatory strain in those with hypertension levels. Physical activity diminishes muscle to fat proportion, which is connected with hypertension. ... By extending muscle quality and continuation and improving versatility and position, general exercise foresees back desolation. Osteoporosis. The upsides of action associate far past weight association. Get some information about demonstrates that anticipated physical exercise can reduce danger for several disorders and prosperity conditions and enhance the idea of individual life. Standard physical activity can help shield from the Heart Disease, High circulatory strain, Obesity, stress etcetera. Weight control.

Track 19: Aerobic Exercise ‎

Oxygen expending exercises augment your breathing and heart rate and are the key piece of general work out calendars. They keep the circulatory structure and lungs sound, can fend off diabetes and coronary sickness and help you create continuation. Some typical oxygen expending practices join. An energetic walk.

Cardiorespiratory wellbeing is a measure of how well your body can transport oxygen to your muscles in the midst of postponed exercise, and besides of how well your muscles can acclimatize and use the oxygen, once it has been passed on, to make adenosine triphosphate(ATP) imperativeness by methods for cell breath (cell breath is a compound technique in your body's cells that progressions over the essentialness set away in the sustenance you eat into the ATP kind of imperativeness that is selected for use by your muscles). Essentially, your cardiorespiratory health level is a measure of the nature of your high-affect imperativeness system.

Track 20: Sports Nutrition and Sports Medicine

Beguilements Medicine is a field of pharmaceutical that hardens hindering, diagnosing and treating redirections or exercise-related wounds. Other than sorting out injuries, Sports Medicine in like way utilizes sharpen intercession to imagine and direct unlimited bombshells, for example, hypertension, diabetes, and forcefulness. Concerning a setting up helpful association of human execution and way of life maladies, and advances in Sports Medicine and Science, display day man's central goal for conflict, rehearse and succeeding has been made more secure and besides fulfilling. Incitements and Exercise Medicine (or Sports Medicine for short) bolsters a dynamic way of life, paying little personality to whether you are beginning at now emerge or dormant. For the most hoisted motivation behind the line contender, Sports Medicine strengthens you in the mission for refinement, pushing the explanations behind limitation of physical execution. The Sports Medicine signify joins the Sports Physicians, Sports Orthopedic Surgeons, Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Massage Therapists, Sports Trainers, Sports Podiatrists and Sports Scientists (Exercise Physiologist, Sports Dieticians, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Sports Bio Mechanists, and Sports Psychologists).Ankle sprains.

Track 21: Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Orthopedic active recuperation focuses on the treatment or rebuilding of wounds to the orthopedic system, which consolidates muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Orthopedic advisor are set up in the treatment of post-operator orthopedics frameworks, splits, extraordinary games wounds, joint irritation, sprains, strains, back and neck agony and spinal conditions.

Track 22: Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy

Yoga treatment is a sort of treatment that usages yoga positions, breathing exercises, reflection, and guided imagery to refresh mental and physical flourishing. The by and large complete association of yoga treatment underpins the joining of mind, body, and soul. Current yoga treatment covers an expansive level of restorative modalities, joining parcels from both great recovery and psychotherapy.

Naturopathy is one of the essential drugless controls of elective strategy of pharmaceutical. Naturopathy doesn't use meds. In Naturopathy, Food is Medicine and considered nature the best healer. In naturopathy, diseases are supervised from concentrated viewpoint as it is absent in various parts of choice cure, where specific courses of action are more standard. Naturopathy has incredible prospering harsh, contamination preventive, restorative and what's more preventive potential. Our eating routine should contain 20 percent of acidic and 80 percent of dissolvable sustenance's for keeping up astonishing achievement.


Why to Attend/Sponsor/Exhibiter

Why you should be Interested:

The  Healthcare Nutrition 2019 Conference is the premier event for Healthcare Nutrition & Fitness expo, in New York and will provide valuable opportunities for connecting with key influencers.

Benefits of attending:

  • To foster discussions, share expertise and exchange knowledge and best practices at all levels of the healthcare spectrum
  • Strengthen your profile and position your organization as a key industry figure
  • Develop new partnerships and networks with key decision makers/influencers
  • Get access to targeted audience
  • Brand Exposure – Promote your company’s message, products and services through a national Conference marketing campaign
  • First hand live demonstrations to delegates
  • To showcase new healthcare technologies and solutions in an intimate setting focused specifically on Healthcare, fitness and nutrition

Why Sponsor/Exhibit Healthcare Nutrition &Fitness 2019?

Your sponsorship/Exhibition will give your organization fantastic exposure to around 150 attendees, and offers a unique opportunity to align your brand with this very highly successful, high profile event.

Healthcare 2019 will provide a terrific and diverse platform to interact and network with fellow industry colleagues.

2019 Highlights:

  • 150 Participation (70 Industry: 30 Academia)
  • 10+ Keynote Speakers
  • 50+ Plenary Speakers
  • 05+ Exhibitors
  • 12 Innovative Educational Sessions
  • 5+ Workshops
  • B2B Meetings

Target Audience:

  • Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
  • Business Development Managers
  • Chief Scientific Officers
  • R&D Researchers from Pharma Industries
  • Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors
  • PhD Scholars
  • Association, Association presidents and professionals
  • Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
  • Research Institutes and members
  • Manufacturing Companies
  • Training Institutes

Market Analysis

The Health and Fitness industry incorporates an extensive variety of establishment openings that include helping individuals accomplish and look after wellbeing. The biggest part of this section incorporates rec canters and exercise studios. Different establishments incorporate organizations that give particular sorts of auxiliary wellbeing administrations. A great part of the workforce in this field requires related instruction and, frequently, proficient licensure. Notwithstanding, numerous franchisors don't require that establishment proprietors have industry encounter. Americans in all kinds of different backgrounds esteem great wellbeing and physical prosperity. Accordingly, the wellbeing and wellness industry offers various, lucrative establishment openings in which you can prevail by helping individuals to look and feel their best. Health mind advertise examination

Social insurance evaluated in$3.09 trillion out of 2014, and are anticipated to take off to $3.57 trillion out of 2017. The social insurance advertise in the U.S. in this included the significant gatherings of doctor's facility mind ($959.9 billion), doctor and clinical offices ($618.5 billion), dental administrations ($122.4 billion) and physician endorsed solutions ($290.7 billion), alongside nursing home and home medicinal services ($248.5 billion).

Related Journals of Healthcare Market Analysis.

Family Medicine Journals, Fitness Journal, Health Care journals, Health Education Journal, Womens Health Care Journal, Home Health Care Services Business Plan Sample - Market, Healthcare Market Research and Consulting from Frost, Health & Medical Insurance in the US Market Research, Healthcare Market Research Reports & Healthcare Industry ,The Changing Future of Consumer Health - Accenture

Market Trends

There have been two Significant Market Trends in the last Five years.

Expanded use of wellness offices for the benefit of people. Practicing and "working out" has turned into a more standard action in American's lives in the course of the most recent decade. Five to ten years back there were far reaching reports around an obstructing wellbeing emergency, stoutness. Americans, in respect to their Western European partners have higher occurrences of weight. To a substantial degree, this is connected to American's unfortunate eating regimen of junk food, and for the most part poor sustenance decisions, particularly broiled nourishments. The less than stellar eating routine isn't the main factor in any case. Americans were genuinely dormant, with just 19% of individuals age 20-40 practicing three times each week. Fortunately, that has changed throughout the most recent 10 years. The level of dynamic individuals has expanded to 43% starting at 2002. An ever increasing number of individuals are setting off to the rec center after work or are fusing a type of outside action into their day by day schedule.

The joining of wellness participations inside the "container of advantages," a piece of the aggregate remuneration bundle. As wellness participations have turned into a more typical component in the working American's lives, organizations have moved toward becoming to join enrollment as a major aspect of their support agreement for representatives. This has happened for no less than two reasons. One reason is an adaptable strategy to remunerate representatives. The second reason is that is positively affects an organization's main concern. A great many studies bolsters the dispute that a physically fit representative is more joyful, more beneficial, and more gainful. For no other explanation, offering wellness club participations to representatives is a brilliant money saving advantage choice.

Market Summary

Corporate Fitness has great data about the market and knows an awesome arrangement about the regular properties of the prized and faithful clients. This data will be utilized to better comprehend who is served, their particular needs, and how Corporate Fitness can better speak with them.




Past Conference Report

Fitness Expo 2018

We would like to thank all of our wonderful speakers, conference attendees, students, associations and guests for making their trip to “International Conference on Fitness & Expo” June 06-07, 2018 at Philadelphia, USA.

Fitness Expo 2018 was hosted by Conference Series LLC Ltd at Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Philadelphia. The main theme “Fitness to Provide a Preferable  Health ” which got magnificent response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and astonishing presentations of all participants this prominent summit became more impressive.

We received active participation from various scientists, researchers, students and leaders from the field of Fitness, Nutrition and Sports medicine who made this event a successful knowledge exchange and networking destination for the experts.

Conference Series LLC Ltd would like to convey a great appreciation to Prof. Dr. John Ebnezar, Dr. Teddy Rothstein, Dr. Sharon Phelan and all other attendees and speakers for their phenomenal talks as Keynote speaker. Keynote Speakers, Plenary speakers and delegates supported this event with sustainable excitement for grand success of this prominent conference.

We look forward to meet them once again at Healthcare 2019 Conference during March 18 - 19, 2019 New York, USA.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date 2019-03-18

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Aerobics & Fitness International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal of Health Education Research & Development

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by