Sjaak Pouwels has recently fi nished Medical School and is currently working on his PhD thesis called ‘Exercise and Physiology in Abdominal and Bariatric surgery’. He is currently working in the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven in the Netherlands at both the General Surgery Department and the Bariatric Centre. His main research interests are perioperative physiology and exercise in the broadest way possible
Introduction: Th e prevalence of obesity increases worldwide. Th e use of technology-based interventions can be benefi cial in weight loss interventions. Objectives: Th is review aims to provide insight in the eff ectiveness of technology-based interventions on weight loss and quality of life for patients suff ering overweight or obesity compared to standard care. Methods: Data was searched from the earliest date of each database up to February 2015. Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias was used for rating the methodological quality. Results: Twenty six trials met inclusion criteria. Twelve studies showed signifi cant eff ects on weight loss compared to controls. Most interventions used a web-based approach (42%). Interventions were screened for fi ve technical key components: Self-monitoring, counsellor feedback and communication, group support, use of a structured program and use of an individually tailored program. No signifi cant results for quality of life were found. Outcomes on program adherence were reported in six studies. No signifi cant results were found between weight loss and program adherence. However, interventions with a technological component did show higher adherence rates compared to control groups. Conclusion: Evidence is lacking about the optimal use of technology in weight loss interventions. However, when the optimal combination of technological components is found, technology-based interventions can be a valid tool for weight loss. Furthermore, more outcomes on quality of life and information about the eff ect of technology-based intervention aft er bariatric surgery are needed
Euna Park has completed her PhD at the age of 33 years from Keimyung University college of Nursing. She is the assistant professor of Pukyong National University department of nursing. She has an interest in youth problem and gender role identity
Traditionally, fathers have been a bread earner and responsible for external matters as the head of household. However, the interest of today’s fathers in their children has changed from that of the traditional fathers due to the increased employment of female, decreased birth rate and the trend of shared role in parenting. Th e purpose of this study was to identify the perception type of fathers of preschool children regarding obesity and the characteristics of the type by applying Q-methodology, and to create the basic data for the development of education programs for fathers or policy-making to prevent child obesity. Data were collected by applying 38 Q statements to 24 fathers of preschool children. Collected data were analyzed with the PC QUANL program. Results indicate that fathers’ perception of obesity was divided into three types: ‘management of physical activity and diet,’ ‘generous acknowledgment of reality’ and ‘compromised emphasis on homemade meal.’ Th e ‘compromised emphasis on homemade meal’ type is those who consider homemade food important, although they sometimes suggest conditions to make their children cooperative for food. It was found that the subject of the study uniformly recognized that processed foods, fast foods or chocolates are harmful to health. Th e type of fathers’ perception of obesity in preschool children was discussed, focusing on the perception type identifi ed in this study.